Adventist Youth Gangzz

Adventist Youth Gangzz
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Monday, March 29, 2010

AY program (27/3/2010)

Hi again guys and girls~~! Hope everyone is in the best of health. Nowadays the weather is warmer than usual, please drink more water k? Good. Ok, let us proceed to the activities last Saturday. If you were not there, then you may have missed a good and fun time, which you must be regretting now.. haha.. hehehe... hoho.. huhuhuhu.... hihihihiasdfkjldfgh...cough...ahem*

We started our choir practice a little bit late, like about 10 minutes. So, 1:00pm+ 10minutes=1:15pm. Correct. True. Right. huh????? The choir director, Sis Janet Badiango had "fined" some of those people who were late. If I don't have mild Alzheimer's, I remember they are Jessica and Aaron, got fined RM1000000000000. Opps! I forgot to add a "." after 1. Figure it up yourself. thanks. And I have some good news here, the Youth Choir is going to present our first choir song this year during this Sabbath. So fans, don't miss this opportunity! Bring along your 16.7MP camera or HD video cam. hahaha..... Not funny right? nvm. But we seriously going to sing this Sabbath. Hope everyone can be encouraged and may this song pleases God. Pray for us that the angels will sings with us.

After the choir practice, the girls took a camera and started taking pictures of themselves, smiling and posing.... and then laughing.... which boys could not understand what's so funny???.... As for us, the boys, we spend time lying down on a comfortable mattress on our beautiful green field, enjoying the music of nature. Cool right? haha.... ok, it is even too comfortable until one of us felt asleep there.

Okay, time to talk about the AY programme. Last week coordinators were Ellen May and Voo I Mee. They shared a good lesson which was accompanied with a Bible text. it is good if we can share a short lesson every week before we start our AY games. They divided us into 4 groups, we had about 5 persons per group. Last week, our coordinators had prepared 3 exciting, interesting, profiting, consecutive games that went right after another. That's why I said you may lose a good time.

For the 1st game, they tested our Bible searching speed. We need to search up a certain book, chapters, verse, word, letter then think of a Bible character whose name is started with the letter we'd found.

Next we play puzzle. This is simple yet entertaining.

Lastly, they gave us a quiz which require us to state the 10 disasters that happened to the Egyptian during Israel's deliverance and to write down the books in the old testament orderly.

And finally, we recorded all that we did by pasting them on a piece of manila card. My team had present them in a very creative way. Everyone is happy. This is a sweet ending :)

So how was it? Pretty nice ya? hehe, guess so. We finished at 5:30pm and continued to Sundown worship right away. That is all I want to share, may God bless everyone! -yong yong

Sunday, March 21, 2010


halow!!!!!!!sry lambat.......Again.....ekekkeke.....well anyway.....sepa suda nmpak blog yg stu lg tu.....ttg kmi meeting choir rehearseal time tu??????........Angkat kaki.......ahahahaha......ini sya mo sambung cita dia.......lpas kmi abis meeting....then kmi pi cec utk apa kanak2?????AY.....ahahaha......sperti besa kmi akn nyanyi lu.....then kmi pray.....lpas tu kmi pun start la ay.....coordinator nya ialah Ellen May....pembantu nya kak dia gini......

kmi d bahagi kepada 4 kumpulan.....dan d bagi empat kertas yg berlainan warna iaitu kump.Biru,kump.Merah jambu,kump.Kuning and kump.Hijau......kump.Biru ketua dia c Abg Melvin,Merah jambu Kak Jessica,kump.Kuning c Elmarkane dan kump. Hijau c dia gini...kmi d bagi sekotak kertas jawapan......lin2 akn bca soalan......dan setiap jawapan akn menjawab dengan mengambil jawapan yg berada d dlm kotak itu.......

sbenarnya soalan yg dberi ndakla ssh sngat.......ekkeke..........cma kmi ni 'CLUMSY'..........waakkakakakakaka.......jdi.....kmi tuskan men 'setiap kump. akn buat apa yg dcabut oleh coordinator'......kump.hijau ddahulu kan dngan menyanyi dlm masa 3 mnit........dorang nyanyi lgu hari ini........tpi tia sampai 3,kump.kuning......dorang dsuruh berlakon and menynyi at the same time......???????.....mcm mna tu?????heheheheheheh..........dorang belakon Yesus d salib kan........then...c EL2 yg nyanyi lgu 'Di Bawah Salib Yesus'........ahahahahha.....strusnya......kump.merah jambu......kmi d suruh mengatakan sya la jguk yg tepaksa jdi heroin.....adui....ckp pun kjap ckp.....then ktwa.....ckp then ktwa.....adui......and the last team was kump.biru......dorang d suruh belakon......Yesus d padang gurun bersama ngan syaitan........hhahahha....lucu btul.........pelakon nya ialah........Abg Melvin sbagai Tuhan Yesus dan Kak Abib sbagai syaitan......(ini sbab teda uda llki d kump. dorang)ehehehhehe........siok jgak dorang belakon......

well........itu jak kami punya aktiviti hri tu.......kmi dpt tau pda hri itu yg kta harus bekerja sama supaya dpt membuat atau pun mencipta sesuatu dngan lebih baik daripd d jangka kan.......Tuhan tlah banyak membantu kami dlm ay kmi..........sampai bulan 3 ini......ay kmi masi berjln dngan lancar.........kmi amat berterima kasi kpda Tuhan krna tlah memberkati kmi dan ay kami.........kalo ada terslh ckp ka ataupun type ka......sya butul2 mint maaf.........heheheehehheh.......stakat ini jak.......May God Bless U and Us All!!!!!!!!!AMEN!!!!!!!!!-ochelle

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Announcement: Youth choir rehearsal time-2:00pm-3:30pm(amended)

Last week the Tawau Adventist Youth has gathered for a meeting in the church library. The meeting started at 2:00pm. We had discussed several topic. For example: revising AY program, youth choir, AY T-shirt(cool!), about this blog...etc. By the way, we have a new Facebook fan site, so please come and join Adventist Youth Tawau, if you have a Facebook account, if not... It is a good suggestion to make one now. :)

As one sincere member of the youth choir, there is one thing I want to express here, it is to stress the importance of attitude and discipline. Why do we need a youth choir? Youth choir is a lot related to music ministry, in fact it is one of it. Music is essential in worship and spreading the good news. Statistic of the church shows that a big part of visitors came to church and become a baptized member is through music ministry. Everyone likes music! Hence, youth choir can be an attraction to people. Besides that, we praise God by our voice and also will encourage and lift up anybody who listens. Plus, in a choir, you can learn how to sing and to use a correct tone. It can be a free-of-charge music lesson.

But however, sad to say, that our church youths seems to have a reckless and ignorance attitude to the choir. We arrived late for the choir, we chit-chat and talk to each other while we practice and don't have an appropriate respect to the choir director. Since when we became like this my fellow brothers and sisters? When can we truly behave ourselves? Look at other churches youth choirs, they can sing really good, we envy them and want to have a choir like that but we didn't put effort in it. We practiced a song for months and it still stays the same song after months because we are still not familiar with it. And since our choir was established from the beginning of 2010 until now, we are not even prepared to present a song yet! What is the function of our choir?

Remember the first meeting? We were so on fire to be better! We decided to have an active AY and choir for the good of youth and God.... But where is the spirit? Let us not be forgetful, that we, Tawau Adventist Youth never speak in vain, we keep our promises to men and to God. Now the choir rehearsal time has been changed to Saturday afternoon 2:00pm-3:30pm for our convenience, let us be serious, we have to get rid of our immature playful attitude, at least when we are in a choir. And let us "be an example to the younger ones, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."(1Tim4:12) We are proud of ourselves, for we are active, discipline, happy and pleasing Seventh-day Adventist Youth.

If there are anyone who have the interest or willing to sing for the Lord, or maybe you like music and is so kind to join us in this choir, we embrace you with our warmest welcome. Seriously, our choir is lack of people, we do need more singers! All youth, boys or girls, 2:00pm-3:30pm in the Kuhara Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Tawau. May God bless our youth choir! Amen. -edboy

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sunday 1 day BLAST!

Ahaha... bila teringat aktiviti "for boys only" minggu lalu, mmg masih terasa keseronokkannya... begitu, Yong2, Melvin, Geverol, Elmarkane, Richie, LangLang, kami 6 orang Laksamana Selat Melaka... eh, sry... patutnya Laksamana Sungai Sebelah Gereja SDA Tawau telah adakan "perhimpunan" pada Sabtu malam lalu. Kalau nak tahu sejarah, Laksamana Selat Melaka terdiri daripada 5 orang pewira, iaitu Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir, Hang Lekiu. Manakala Laksamana Sungai Sebeleh Gereja SDA Tawau terdiri daripada (5+1) budak, iaitu: Melvin -Hang Tua, sebab dia yg paling tua antara kami. LangLang- Hang Jepun krn perutnya mcm perut org Jepun, (main2 jak bah), Richie- Hang Permaisuri sbb dia sja yang ada the "Queen of my Heart" di sini. Elel- Hang Fikir sbb asyik fikir queen-nya di tempat jauh. Geverol- Hang ThankYou sbb kami berterima kasih kerana dibenarkan tinggal di sbelah rumahnya. Yong2 pula- Hang Siapa? sbb terlebih satu.

ehem.. sya lambat sampai atas sbb hal2 makan. 5 org yang lain berada di gereja terlebih dahulu. Mereka telah bertarung sesama sendiri selama berjam2, bukan dengan taming sari tetapi dengan bet pingpong. Hang Permaisuri yang sangat murah hati telah membeli makanan untuk smua. Bila sya sampai, kami baru masuk ke dlm "kem" kami. Selepas itu, terjadilah pertarungan yang lagi hebat, bukan dengan pedang atau pistol, tetapi dengan joystick PS2. Terkeluarlah pelbagai teknik spt betis lidi, betis padi, betis elektrik, lengan b'skill dn sebagainya. Namun, hanya satu yang ketinggalan dlm battle ni sbb tidur...

Pagi tu Richie yg paling awal bangun sbb dia yg paling awal terlelah. Thank you Pr Earie, Kak Linda, Richie yg telah menolong kami tuk membeli sarapan nasi lemak. Enakkkkkkkkkkkk.... tp pedas skit la. haha. Kami bermain bola keranjang, ada yg memancing, ada juga yg sambung tidur. Mcm2 ada...
- sedang memancing
susah2 cari umpan, namun daun pokok saja yg dapat

lepas tu kami adakan acara Gladiator! haha, dengar nama pun sudah excited kan? Raksasa yang kami lawan ialah anjing gereja ni>
- ni lah raksasanya konon
Melvin juga yang paling menonjol di sini...

2.00pm! Youth Choir!! kami tunggu2, ttp org yang datang tak ramai. haih... mana semangat smua orang ni? seingat sya, bila ditanya hari tu, smua setuju penubuhan koir dengan girang. Harap2 smua org bleh ubah2 skit, ikut koir bagus2, bru boleh buat trip ke gereja2 lain. haha, tapi ingat tujuan utama adalah untuk memuji Tuhan dan membawa orang lain lebih dekat kpd Tuhan.
- The Lo's siblings

Pukul 4... masa tuk main bola. Mata terakhir 8-9. Mmg sengit.

Pada malam Ahad lalu, acara potluck telah diadakan untuk menyambut pendeta baru bagi menggantikan Pr Wizie yg baru bernikah di gereja Andrassi. Makanan dan minuman yang sangat menyelerakan telah disediakan di atas meja. Puji Tuhan dan terima kasih atas aktiviti satu hari ini. Bagus juga kalau ada "stay over" begini sekali sekala...

Minta maaf kalau ada yang menyingguh perasaan. ttp semua yg di atas hanya bertujuan utnuk menghiburkan pembaca. Jika ada yang tidak berpuas hati, sila tinggalkan komen atau emel untuk sebarang ubahan..-Yong Yong

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

eRm..eRm.. sry la kalo lmbt letak ni post...Sejak kebelakangan ini saya agak sibuk ya...

OK.. hari ni saya ingin menceritakan tentang acara kami mggu lalu.. Coordinator AY kami minggu lalu ialah Chong Jung Syn@ Yong Yong.. di mana kami semua terpaksa memilih lagu untuk di nyanyi kan.. Ada diantara kami cuba untuk escape dri menyanyi kan lagu di hadapan.. tetapi akhirnya ..... tersebut pergilah memilih lagu untuk di nyanyikan..

Tetapi sapa saja yg salah atau tak ingat lirik lagu tersebut eRm..eRm.. jadilah manusia 'mic stand'.. Apa pengajaran yg kami dpt dri game tersebut ialah.. tpi kalo ada yg salah tolong betulkan saya.. Kami menyanyi lagu itu adalah sebab untuk meningati Lagu TUHAN atau pun selalu menyanyi lagu TUHAN..(P/s: Apabila kita menyanyi lagu-lagu pujian, kita patut menghayati lirik lagu tersebut juga, bukan hanya muziknya-yy)

Mgkin itu saja yg dpt saya sampaikan.. -kobon