Adventist Youth Gangzz

Adventist Youth Gangzz
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Thursday, May 27, 2010

MANGO SAGU 23/5/2010 :D

On the 23rd of May 2010 (SUN), Tawau Adventist Youths… again…!….. Gather together creating another new memory. This time, our place was somewhere around fajar… (if I’m not mistaken) haha…. We called it….”THE MANGO SAGO”… well… this all because it’s their famous dish. emm… kinda sorry for them…we can only remember the food… haha… ok… let’s start with the people involved… we have Yong2, Gev, Abib, Kdek, I mee, Jingwen, Synru (me), Lin-lin, Richie, Chun vun, Bernt2 and Melvin… the total is 12 persons… and this plan was organized by Gev… a “VERY clever” person..==’’…! hmm*… and our goal was eating mango sago together… -in nice words: it is a time we fellowships and strengthens our bond with each other…
Our place and time of met was at Sabah Chicken Rice Shop at 12 noon… where everyone is preparing for their lunch… we can see this through the glasses of the shop… it’s all full with people…. Huew~… Gev came the same time like us…Actually his car just right in front of us during the journey to there…haha… what a coincidence^^.. but once we reach there… ==’’(ssweat)… Richie, the only person we saw standing there… where the heck are the others??”!!! I thought I’m the one who is late…=_=!!!…. Hmm… ok... What do I expect~ like some saying “we deal at 9am, they come at 10am” our people seldom be on time… of cuz.. me too~ haha~ nothing to surprise actually… (but it’s a bad habit: change! Change!>o<) after waiting for another 5 minutes, the Samson family is here… followed by the Lee family… haha... ok, done with the family thingy… we go first, then the rest will go by themselves to the “MANGO SAGO”…
Walking…..walking….. Walking…. And talking….talking… and talking….. finally… here we are~ the place… haha… named “INDO CAFÉ” the mango sago shop~ kinda small but…..hohoho!!! Is crowded with people….. Looks like they have a very good business going on here…. It is my first time to eat here… should be excited!! Haha…!!! AAaiiiya!!>..< no place for us to sit….. 12 persons… it’s quite a big number… but… how? Our deal is the mango sago… should we say goodbye and moved to another stall near there… or should we wait for a while…
We choose to wait… well, stick with the plan~^^… a table is clear… ladies first…. So, the girls were allowed to have their sits… after that… the boys get another table at the very end there…. “Fellowships….bonding…..” hah!! I don’t think so==’’… we having our own… they have theirs… we spent our time together........ SEPARATELY….ToT… (Swt).’’
Mango Sago is here!!!..... I got the first one~ …………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ice was soft plus mango is my favorite~^^….. u really should try it…..besides, I taste the “pisang goreng” and cheese too… the banana was very crispy and nice~ … is just the cheese. I don’t like the it~
Tik-tok-tik-tok….. we almost done with our food……… money>>> pay>>>food???
Ok…flash back~ Remember the deal???!! Only mango sago is free~ NO MAIN DISHES RIGHT?????!!!!!!!!!!! But then………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Everyone was having their brunch~ combination of breakfast and lunch… paying time??!!! Eeehhhheeemmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U should see the order notes… but... never mine… once a while, It’s still worth if everyone able to gain just a single taste of happiness, right?^^ I’m sure they did have a great time together… chatting~ and ofcuz Eating~ ^^P……
Wanted to see our pictures??? Search on facebook…!/album.php?aid=2061631&id=1510385277~

Friday, May 21, 2010

Halo, lama tak jumpa. Jom crita pasal AY 8/5/2010!

Hi! wah, sudah lama blog ini tak di"update"kan... sori la, baru habis exam je ni... Saudara dan saudari skalian apa khabar? Sakarang dah dekat cuti skolah ni, jadi exam pertengahan tahun pun mesti telah tiba. Harap semua dapat belajar dengan bersungguh2 dan mendapat keputusan yang memuaskan.

Ok, tanggal 8/5/2010 ialah hari Sabtu. hari Sabtu tersebut telah kami adakan program AY. Program AY itu pula dibawa oleh Elder Genevieve. Oleh sebab telah berminggu2 tiada AY, AY pada hari ini telah membuat semua terasa sangat gembira. Permainan yg dibawakan ini mmg kreatif, selain dapat berseronok dan mencungkil bakat pemuda2 AY, ia dapat juga tolong mengumpul duit ke dalam tabung AY kami. hahahaha....

Seorang akan memasukkan duit(mengikut kesukarelaan hati anda) ke dalam satu tabung yang telah disediakan. Lalu orang itu berhak memanggil seorang untuk ke depan dan mempersembahkan bakatnya mengikut arahan orang yg memasukkan duit itu. Jadi, tiap orang akan dipanggil mengikut urutan. Ada yg mengeluarkan duit syling yang banyak supaya dapat memanggil orang banyak kali. Macam2 yang dipersembahkan di depan, ada yg menyanyi sambil buat eksen, menyanyi sambil bermain piano atau gitar, bermain alat2 muzik dan sebagainya.

Pemuda2 AY di gereja Tawau memang berbakat, ternyata Tuhan telah memberikan talenta menyanyi dan bermain muzik di dalam kalangan anggota belia AY. Seperti perumpamaan Yesus, orang yg tidak menggunakan talentanya akan diambil dan diberikan kepada orang lain. Jadi harap semua akan memanfaatkan talenta kami dalam pekerjaan Tuhan, agar kita mendapat kepercayaan Tuhan dan mendapat berkat-Nya. Marilah kita berdoa, agar Tuahn akan memberikan lebih banyak berkat dan talenta, agar kita dapat menggunakan mereka di dalam pekerjaan-Nya, untuk meyebarkan khabar baik kedatangan ke-2 kali Yesus.

Gambar2 dan video2 AY 8/5/2010 boleh dilihat di fansite facebook kami. Sila melayari!/video/?id=366551311231